Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

The Oasis Entitlement

All of our pupils enjoy the Oasis Entitlement, a holistic offer and guaranteed set of opportunities during their time at the academy. This is part of our strategy across the trust, to ensure that every child has the chance to experience a wealth of exciting, inspirational and potentially life-changing opportunities. 

At a minimum, our academies each offer:

  • Reading strategies so that every student becomes a fluent reader
  • Access to online learning
  • Access to high quality mental health support
  • Be a student leader or mentor
  • Be part of a school production
  • Be part of a school team
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Play an active part in a Hub project
  • Attend a residential trip
  • Visit the theatre, an art gallery and a museum
  • Visit universities and places of work