We have a saying where I live. ‘This is Manchester- we do things differently here’. Make of that what you will!
It made me think about how best to drive the celebrations for International Women’s Day on the 8th March. Most charities and trusts, corporations, councils, sports brands and the like will make some mandatory high profile social media posts and hashtags about it being International Women’s Day. But will they use it as a platform to drive real sustainable change? Perhaps not.
We are Oasis. We do things differently here. While everyone else will celebrate International Women’s Day, we will be using the whole of the month of March to have our very first ‘HerStory Month- Inspiring and Empowering the Women and Girls of Oasis’.
Empowering and celebrating women shouldn’t even be limited to just one month out of the year. It is a cause that deserves our attention and effort every day. However, designating a specific month to focus on the accomplishments, struggles, and contributions of women can help bring about important conversations, raise awareness, and inspire change.
When we spend a month focusing on empowering and celebrating women, we are shining a light on issues such as gender equality, gender representation, and the need for women to have equal opportunities in all aspects of life. By highlighting the achievements of women in various fields, we are not only showcasing their talents but also inspiring the next generation of women to dream big and break barriers. These are the girls of the Oasis family. Let’s show them what they can do and let’s empower them to do it.
How? This month, we have got assemblies on STEM, a Girl’s Speech writing competition, girls sports leader and coaching opportunities, coaching and mentoring opportunities for women, menopause health information, a Post-maternity return to work coaching offer, two celebrity endorsements and much more. We will be using our social media to tell the stories of many different women in the Oasis family. There will be no room for doubt in anyone’s mind, by the end of March, how much women and girls are valued within the Oasis family.
Celebrating women also means recognising the unique challenges and obstacles they face due to systemic and social inequalities. It is a time to listen to our stories, support our causes, and amplify our voices. One way we do this in the Oasis Family is by investing in a Gender Equality Staff Network. By coming together to uplift and empower women, we are creating a more inclusive and diverse society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and reach their God Given potential. If you would like any more information about the Gender Equality Staff Network please email gemma.bolton-hale@oasisoldham.org
Ultimately, spending a month inspiring, empowering and celebrating women is a reminder of the progress we have made and the work that still needs to be done. It is a time to reflect, learn, and take action to create a more equitable world for all. So, while I am really looking forward to HerStory Month in Oasis, let's not limit our efforts to just one month but strive to uplift and support women every day of the year.