Suppliers Code of Conduct
We encourage our suppliers to reflect the Oasis vision, values and 9 habits both within themselves and their supply chain.
When selecting suppliers, consideration will be given to the impact on our communities. Our commitment is to deliver exceptional education in the most cost effective way, minimise our carbon footprint, and foster local employment.
As a minimum, suppliers must comply with the following:
Laws and Regulations
Suppliers will comply with all applicable local and national laws, rules, regulations and requirements.
Underage labour
Suppliers shall ensure that no underage labour has been used in the production or distribution of goods and services to Oasis.
Forced Labour
Suppliers will not use or tolerate in their supply chain any form of slavery, servitude, indentured, bonded, involuntary prison, military or compulsory labour or any form of human trafficking.
Freedom of Association
Suppliers shall respect the rights of workers to associate or not to associate with any group, as permitted by and in accordance with all applicable local and national laws and freedom of association and collective bargaining.
In view of the Oasis ethos, an inclusive and diverse work environment is encouraged, with equal opportunities for all workers. All employees must be treated fairly and not discriminated against in any form of employment.
Wages and benefits
Wages and benefits must meet legal minimums and industry standards without unauthorised deductions. Oasis Community Learning is an accredited Living Wage employer, certified by the Living Wage Foundation.
Working Hours
Suppliers must ensure working hours comply with national laws and standards and should not expect workers to work (including overtime) in excess of hours set out in relevant working time legislation or other national legal limits unless an opt out has been chosen by the employee with appropriate supporting written evidence.
Healthy and Safe Working Conditions
Suppliers must provide safe and clean conditions for workers at sites of working and residential facilities.
Suppliers must have clear procedures in place to ensure direct and indirect environmental impacts associated with the goods and services are understood, measured and managed. Suppliers must comply with the Oasis Environment policy.
Business Integrity
Suppliers shall not engage in any form of bribery or corruption or undertake any action that contravenes the Oasis Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy. All related party transactions and relationships are logged and monitored in accordance with ESFA guidelines.
Discipline and Grievances
Suppliers must provide a grievance mechanism for workers and their organisations to enable workers to anonymously raise workplace concerns.
Our full Suppliers Code of Conduct can be found here